Featured Photography Update

Featured Photography Update

I have added a new page called Featured Photography, showcasing my best photography pieces. My Photos are featured full screen at Width 1920 x Length 1200, and 96 or 72 Pixels Per Inch. I enjoy photography on a technical and visual creative level. While making it fun...
Intro To WordPress

Intro To WordPress

WordPress is an amazing tool. And and a great way to manag multiple sites. It is a content management system site with Databased Content. I get asked quite often for basic info on how to use it. So I was inspired to write this article on “Intro To...
What is SEO

What is SEO

  This is an article I had written a few years ago that I have decided to re-write and update. I often get asked by Clients, Friends, and Colleagues “What Is SEO?” So here it is; The Basics Of SEO For Interested Followers.  It should start with a...